sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

How is Spain and how other countries considerate us.

What we are going to show here is a composition made by French pupils, in which they put forward the idea they have of Spain.
This is the first photo, that says: ''The word Spain makes me think about flamenco, beaches and the red and yellow flag''.

As Spanish people, we think that not all the people in the whole country like flamenco (To set an example, we don´t like flamenco). Flamenco is mostly typical in the southern zone of Spain, that is Andalucía, but in the northern one it's not at all.

Secondly, it's true that our beaches are better than some other countries ones (that´s why every summer it gets very crowded), but what they say about the flag is not so true, as it represents our country, but not all the Spanish people feel proud of the flag or even of Spain.

This one says: ''The word Spain makes me think of the beach, the heat, peppers, and Fútbol Club Barcelona. I think that the Spanish football is high-level. I think that in Spain the weather is always hot and sunny.

Our football is good because millions and millions of euros are inverted in this sport. Here, football is the 'deporte rey', this is, the sport that gathers most interest of all. Unfortunately, there are some underrated sports that are much better than football. Actually, when you are a child, you play football with your friends, but is uncommon to see children playing handball, basketball, hockey, or baseball. It would be very nice if all sports were treated equally.

To continue, the fact that the Spanish weather is always hot is totally false.
It's indeed hot and sunny in Spain, but in most of the areas, it's this way only on summer - except for the Canary Islands, which have a subtropical weather, and they are hot the whole year - , and in the northern area (Galicia and Asturias) it's rainy even in that season, due to its oceanic weather. Then, on winter few areas are hot - the only ones are the Canary Islands, previously mentioned, and the southern zone.

The third photo says: ''The word Spain makes me think about the bulls. I think this is a cruel show that belongs to the Spanish culture. I think it´s difficult to see this show''.

Bullfights are very important for the majority of Spanish people because it´s a deeply rooted tradition, but nowadays most of teenagers haven't seen this show live. However, lots of people think that it´s a bad custom that is against the animal rights, and, in fact, they finally managed to close one of the buildings dedicated to it. There is a strong controversy about bullfights.

Finally, there are people from other countries that think that we are lazy, we just want 'fiesta' and 'siesta', we smoke and drink a lot... Furthermore, we are thought to be very extroverted and to eat very calmly. Maybe these last things are true.
They may be correct if they say that some people are lazy and just want 'fiesta', but there are other people that are hardworking, - politicians are not included in this classification, of course - just like rude ones but, as every country, there are a wide variety of people.

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